Sunday, December 18, 2005

Bush speaks the truth

Once again, in a simple fashion, George W. Bush has laid it out on the table. Frankly, I still had it from the beginning, but there are people who need to hear it repeated. We are winning in Iraq, but it is not over. We still must continue to fight, even when most Americans are weary of the subject. Damn if I know how they can separate Iraq from the big ball called the "War on Terror", but there are folks out there that swear the terrorists would leave us alone if we would placate them and quit. Cut and Run. Doesn't have a very nice ring to it, does it? Quit. Sounds like your walking away from freshmen soccer. But we are not. We are hip deep in the fight of our lives, and for all the negative press, our military has never lost an engagement with the enemy. Surprised? Well, don't be. The media loves to tell a bad story faster than good news. Apparently, it sells better. So, without much adou, I am hereby asking people to send me good stories from the military, Iraq, their hometown, whatever you deem appropriate, and we are going to get positive here. How about something new, "And now for the good news..." Hope to here from you.


Blogger Ritsumei said...

My cousin is a blackhawk pilot in Iraq. She's actually about to come home. She doesn't talk much about the actual combat that she's been in, probably at least in part because she's not allowed to. But she never says anything about being sorry about being there, other than that she enjoys coming back for a little R&R from time to time: the amenities aren't all that great out there in the sand. She's been the Afgan version "Air Force 1", and she went to help with the relief effort after that big quake in Pakistan.

My husband's most frequent comment about the war in Iraq is that we're not fighting "to win," in part because we're so hampered by all the negitive press. War is messy, dirty, awful stuff. There's just no two ways about it. What we really need is fiar, unbiased reporting. "Just the facts, ma'am."

9:39 PM  

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