Tuesday, April 10, 2007

What's next...Mr. Nappy?

Well, Don Imus has really done it this time. I don't even like the guy and I'm laughing at all the liberals (of which he is one) trying to burn him at the stake for calling the Rutgers women's basketball team a bunch of "nappy headed hos". Oh my, how could he state the obvious! Let's get something straight. If you wander through this world of ours, you'll soon realize that there are very few truly beautiful people, at least in the physical sense. They are all overweight, underwieght, too tall, too skinny, too fat, wrong color hair, wrong color eyes, crooked eyes, crooked teeth, crooked ears, one leg short, skinny calves, thunder thighs, bowed legs, big butt, no butt, bigmouth, big lips, no lips, no brains...need I go on? The point is this.
As perfect as I am now, it's hard to believe that I was once known as Brillo pad, steel wool, sheephead, tumbleweed, SOS, and, oh my God!... Nappy head. Frankly, I don't know if I can stand any more of the cry babies whining about what they were called on the playground when they were kids that consequently caused the neurotic feelings they have now, because a dimwit named Don Imus has repeated the obvious about black, women basketball players having , yes...nappy hair. Might I add my own two cents worth? They also look like a bunch of Big Birds when they attempt to play basketball. They are what they are. Nappy headed. I'm not sure about the ho part, but then, turn on any rap song anytime and hear them degraded by black men ( if one could actually call them men).
I needn't recite the nasty, vile things they get away with on the radio waves on a daily basis to make my point. All I can say is this. One of my numerous nicknames is Jake the Rake. Which brings me to my point. If the Rutgers basketball team is a bunch of nappy headed hos, does that make me a nappy headed rake?



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